My Miss USA 2011 Experience Part Two- Thanks to Pat Smith, I'm Throwin on her Louboutins!

I woke up on June 4th with one goal in mind: to finish every part of registration in one day! I remember the whole registration process from teen, and the excitement of knowing if you finished up early, that meant some time to relax or sleep. I was dolled up in a leopard print dress sponsored by the beautiful Laura White from the Monarch School in San Diego. I started with going over all of my paperwork and judges bio, followed by hair and makeup for all of the online interviews and telecast interviews.

One of the lovely Rain ladies who did my makeup!

We Love Rain!!

Interesting story I am telling perhaps?
I enjoyed my time filming these interviews with all of the crew, especially for the online interviews. This years questions were interesting: Would you use online dating services, Should Evolution be taught in schools, How do you feel about a tasteful nude photoshoot, Make the sounds of: a cat, sirens and a slot machine. I had prepared myself for a fun, fluffy interview, and was hammered with some pretty tough questions. I remember turning to a guy named Derek and saying, "These are some hard questions, can't you ask me something like, "What's your favorite color?" He looked at me and said, "Probably shouldn't be saying this to the guy who wrote the questions." Haha, it was all in good fun, though! Take a look at my interview:

Next, I took a few pictures and filmed my spot for the famous Strike A Pose videos. I thought I was hilarious during it!

Next it was down to take my official photos: Evening Gown, Swimsuit, Portrait and Fadil!! I was extremely excited to take all of the photos. Thanks to MacDuggal, I had a beautiful dress to wear, along with a fantastic pair of Stefanie Somers earrings that matched the beading on my gown perfectly, and special thanks to Pat Smith, who let me wear her Christian Louboutins with my gown. (I had always dreamed of wearing a pair with my evening gown, especially after hearing that J-LO song. What a blessing to have Pat come into my life and help my dreams come true!)

I felt amazing! And I also felt amazing in my swimsuit portrait. I had been working so hard with Kent Paul and at The Gym to tone up and gain muscle, and I was so proud of the results.

And then came the Fadil Photoshoot! The theme was very similar to my Chi Shoot, just a little more glamorous. I felt like an old Hollywood actress!
And that was the end of registration day. I enjoyed getting to see all of the girls again that I had met in New York, on top of meeting the girls who were unable to make the trip! Those of us who finished registration early and were 21+ got to go to a pool party at the Palms Resort. It was nice to be able to sit in the sun and relax. That is a life I could get used to!!
Miss South Carolina and I
<3 Blair

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