A Growing List of People to Thank!!

This will be an expanding list of people who have come into my life and given me so much joy and inspiration to continue on chasing my goals and have aided in making these goals come true. I wish I could do more (and I am working on doing more), but for right now, this is the best way for me to let you know that I am so appreciative of your support!

My mom, for being my biggest fan, for sacrificing so much for both my brother and I so that we could follow our dreams and goals and for being my biggest source of inspiration. You are truly my hero,
My brother, HM3 David, for telling me how proud he is of his baby sister. I am very proud of you too, especially seeing you grow and be successful in the Navy. Continue to work hard,
To the McKaskills, thank you for letting my mom and I come into your home and not once asking for rent or what the game plane is. Besides my mom, I know you guys are my biggest fans too! I love you so very much.
To TaRhonda and Ken, without you guys, I would not have the voice to speak out about homelessness in our country,
Kent Paul for more than just helping me get into shape, but also for bringing people into my life that could offer support for both my mom and I,
To Carl, for truly caring and wanting the best for me in life, 
To Amy, Yanni and everyone at Yanni’s for being amazing people,
To Chris Williamson for kicking my butt in conditioning classes,
To Erica Cobb for helping me in every way that you could help
To Pat Smith and all of her beautiful friends who have become my family, you are so wonderful and I am so blessed to know you and have you in my life,
To Beckie Nelson and mom, for sharing Beckie's fashion talents with me and for being a friend,
To Abi Ferren for letting me borrow such beautiful and amazing pieces,
To Allen Dye, thank you for being patient with me, I have your dress!! Let's meet up soon!
To all of the Pageant Fans out there, those who are online, on boards, on blogs, on forums, or just out there in the world, Thank you for your constant support of pageants. Without you, Miss USA would not be around anymore. Thank you for keeping the dream alive for all of us girls who grew up saying we want to be Miss USA one day!
To TheRoadToMissUSA for your constant coverage of Miss USA 2011. It was great to have all of the pictures up on Facebook and to be tagged in all of them! Thank you for your support of all of us contestants! 
To The Gathering Place family, I love you guys! I hope to continue working with you all!
To the Monarch School, I hope I can come back and visit one day soon! Keep dreaming BIG!!
To Kurt, thank you for being a part of my family's life for so long and for always hoping for the best.
To Richard Custer, thank you for being a huge supporter and wanting the best for my whole family! It is amazing to have your support and to all the fans on the Blair Griffith fan page, just WOW! I wish I could meet everyone in person just to say thank you in person! 
To the boutiques in Texas for shoes and clothing to help me look amazing at Miss USA!
To Tessa, Danielle, Roland, Jennifer, Justin, Mark, Jessica, Cassie for coming out to Vegas and watching the show and for being amazing friends,
To Emma, Christine, Abby, Ashley, Stephanye, Maerag, Jessica, Kerry, Hilary, and so many more other friends, THANK YOU!!!!!! I am getting around to individuals, just give me a moment!
To Kari Kisch for teaching me how to look so beautiful and for being such a huge support system to me,
To Christina Sacha, without you, I would not be Miss Colorado USA,
Mary Wolfgang, Errol, Kolby, Irene, Jennifer, Lisa, Mazzie, Jade, Renee and so many others from my Saks family, thank you for your support!
To Ryan Griffith for giving me spirit!
To Caley Rae, GIRL, you are going to rock Miss Teen USA!!!
To Craig, Denise and Libby, and everyone at Future Productions for just everything, I mean you guys seriously have done SO MUCH!!
To Chelsea Cooley and AT Dunn, for being supporters of everyone! You are such beautiful people inside and out and its amazing to meet those who genuinely want to see everyone be successful in life!
To all of my Future Productions sisters, love you guys! 
To Terry Thomas for being there when my mom and I needed help the most.
To Donna and James for helping my mom and I and for being a part of our lives for so long. 
To The Murrays for always showing concern and wishing for the best. You opened your home to me when you didn't have to, and I hope to always be in touch with you guys!!
To Sean Dooley, thank you for doing such a great piece on my mom and I and for being an important part of my life journey.
To Ian Wenger, thank you for following my story and for wanting to see nothing but success for me!
To Super_J2007, Prescious.Grady, whisper735, rsaenzsaucedo, darrellall, hannahjosmith, ronapigi, jillianwoods, gcl311 and other paypal donors whose information I unfortunately do not have. I wish I knew you all in person, and if there was any way I could even get your first names, that would be amazing. THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!
To Jordan Black, please can I come to your wedding! Thank you for being more than a friend to me for so long! I mean we go way back! Haha, thanks for defending me and just being awesome! Love you!
To Dr. Morgan and Dr. Presley and everyone at Presley Ortho in Salt Lake City Utah: Words cannot describe how thankful I am to you all! You have given me a gift to last a lifetime. I have received so many compliments on my teeth, and I am so grateful for you guys for showing so much love and support to me! Thank you!
To Carly with Pageant Update for your awesome coverage of festivities during the pageant and amazing montages, especially the map of all of our faces! Even since I was a teen, my mom and I always check your site for the latest pictures!
To Jane Dunn and all of the Jack N Jill Family for your aid and support. You have helped my mom and I out in more ways than you know!
To Wishes are Possible for your help! You blessed my mom and I with so many important things that it is beyond amazing!
To all of the amazing Miss USA 2011 sponsors and supporters: To Chi, Diamond Nexus, Australian Gold, OPI, Sherri Hill, The Planet Hollywood, Rain Cosmetics, and the city Vegas, plus so many more: Thank you!
To the Miss Universe Organization and everyone who works for them: I am so grateful to be a part of such a great organization full of wonderful people who make me wish I could come back again and compete just to hang out with all of you again!
To my chaperone Heidi! I miss you! You are such a wonderful person and thank you so much for being there to support of all us contestants!

And the list will grow................................................


  1. Hi Blair. I meant to post my thanks to you here but its okay. You can never say thank you enough. I'm proud of you and want you to continue seeking and succeeding with all your dreams!

  2. I love you too girl!!! And of course you and your mom BETTER be at my wedding!! You were like the first name I wrote down on the list of MUST INVITE! You know I always have your back and will do pretty much anything to keep you smiling :) Much love to you and your family
